Sunday, August 16, 2009

Unglazed letter for Monday is U

  • it is not quite Monday here but by the time you read this

  • it will be because I am trusting that you are all in bed.

  • remember this link and join in the fun:


  • **************************

  • the letter U tried to stump me but it rained here

  • a lot the last few days so I remembered my


  • we all have them and some folks even collect umbrellas-

  • and umbrellas are not a new invention-

  • I see a lot of those pretty Victorian ladies

  • often with an umbrella to shade their faces

  • from the sun

  • and in some places; one can use an umbrella

  • to keep the rain off their hair

  • but

  • in Alberta we have storm rains and we do

  • not even try to battle the storm using an umbrella

  • we have all tried at least once but with Alberta wind

  • the umbrella becomes a version of the old flying machines

  • and one could easily take off flying and sometimes
  • the umbrella turns in side out and then one has to try
  • to reason with the umbrella as it becomes a bucket
  • - as our rain

  • does not come straight down like in the movies ==

  • it comes sideways and back and forth and sometimes

  • even up- did you that know rain can bounce??

  • but I still love umbrellas as they come in such

  • nice shapes and colors- all little girls must have at least

  • one umbrella every summer and some of us big girls too.

  • most ladies who golf has a least one big umbrella that someone

  • holds over the other friends waiting for a the putter to putt.

  • and sometimes you see a gentleman struggling to

  • keep his lady dry while they are both blowing in the wind.

  • I use one in the summer to put over the bird cage

  • on sunny days so our bird can enjoy outside life in the shade.

  • umbrellas remind me of romance too and I have no

  • idea-- maybe because of the old song '' Dancing in the Rain'' which

  • we Albertans would like to try if our rain did not come

  • down in so fast and hard.
  • Have a wonder filled week.......and

  • May you be covered by an umbrella of joy today-


Anonymous said...

Another great post which stirs memories for me. In the little southern town I grew up in, there was an older lady when I was a young child who walked everywhere she went. She carried an open umbrella no matter what the weather. As a child, I thought it strange. As an adult, now I know how smart she was to shield herself from the sun! Wishing you a good week.

Minerva said...

I used to have a cloth one to keep you in the shade. They used to call them parasols.
Nice post! I think you reached everyone with this one, since we all have them.

Dorothy said...

Good Morning, Oma,
I thought at first that your U word was "Unglazed", which would have been a good one, too! I have a good many Umbrellas and try to keep a couple in each of our vehicles. Niffty little invention.

messymimi said...

I like the letter U. Since I'm always a day late and a post short, I may do the letter of this week on Tuesday.

It's good to know that someplace besides our Gulf Coast region gets crazy rain that bounces.

Caution/Lisa said...

I am starting to see more and more people walk with sun umbrellas. Don't know if I'm that smart or brave :)

Unknown said...

Perfect U post! I can say that because I uses UMBRELLA the last time U was the letter.

Jen said...

Happy Monday to U Oma!!
Lovely post.
Hate the thought of having to use one of these,sounds like your rains can be brutal..but if not for rain we wouldn't appreciate the sunshine.

Ben said...

It sounds like you folks catch a clipper sometimes and fly off like Mary Poppins with those things!