Tuesday, September 30, 2008

thankful list--number 3

  • For those who are not sure of what I am doing - I am making a list (over time) of things that I often take for granted and simply do not thank God for- the list will be, of course, endless although I originally set the number at 100 - the list is not in any particular order as all of the items are ''thank you, Lord'' in my heart-
  • Today I am thinking of ''pencils'' - those little yellow sticks with a lead and an eraser that I enjoy doing my puzzles with and other writing- they are still a wonderful means of communicating even though we now have computers , fancy pens, and typewriters etc- there is just something about a pencil that reminds me of God's grace- we can make marks all over our life and yet, with His forgiveness our mistakes do not show in his book of life as He erases them completely- All we need to do is show( admit) our sin and He is forgiving..
  • I remember as a kid how often I would have a pencil to write on paper and daddy would sharpen it with his jack knife-- only schools had pencil sharpeners and we were only allowed to sharpen our pencils once a day- I am sure that we would have done it more often if the teacher had allowed it but she soon caught on that it was an excellent way for us to get out of school work- I learned quickly not to chew the eraser off as daddy did not have money to replace a usable pencil and if I made a mistake and had no eraser I had to draw a neat line through the question and do the whole thing over again-Then everyone could see the mistakes that I had made-
  • I am so glad that God does not draw lines through our mistakes so that others can still see our mistakes- but erases them completely- Thank you, Lord for pencils with erasers and thank you for being our eraser.
  • Huggles me, Meme

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