Thursday, October 9, 2008

Limes into Lemons

My 18 year old grand daughter is living with me now so that she can work and also learn the fine art of taking care of herself;;;
she is half woman and half child.. but willing to learn. I have been teaching her to shop and cook some simple healthy meals =
I sent her shopping for a weeks groceries for her and me and on occasion have the boy who is a friend as a guest= ( he is like feeding an army so we can only afford to invite him now and then and his mother feeds him so he is not going starve)
back to the groceries= she did well for a starter shopper and she will learn from her mistakes and she will soon be buying her own groceries=she shares the cost of the groceries now but I generally go with her-
she bought 2 limes and left them on the counter for a long time- at least a week and finally I asked her if she was going to use the limes- she said ''yes' as soon as they ripen into lemons- I looked at her in laughing shock and then explained to her that limes are limes and lemons are lemons and one cannot become the other........once I explained this to her- she had a good laugh and we used our limes in place of lemons for the salmon that she bought-
I think that some times we think that we can ripen our attitudes from bad to good but we cannot- bad is bad and good is good. We have to replace our bad attitudes with Christ given thoughts and we need to start with our hearts where the fruit of the spirit will ripen.

huggles me, Meme


StitchinByTheLake said...

Oh so funny! I believe that attitude is a choice. I can choose to be mad or sad, mean or nice. If we look to God we know what choices to make! blessings, marlene

Ruthie said...

How cute about the lemons. Glad you could have a good laugh over that.


Kimonos and Sushi(OLD BLOG) said...

The Lemons, that is just so funny. :)