Monday, October 13, 2008


  • we had our Canadian thanksgiving this week end and
  • today we had dinner at my house
  • a good and hard day with out papa David
  • but Miss Ashley stepped in to help and did
  • all the things he would have taken care of such as:
  • peeling the potatoes and
  • mashing them and
  • cutting up the turkey with an electric knife and all
  • fingers are still intact :-)
  • she helped straighten the house and
  • supervised the boy who is a friend after
  • enlisting his help
  • she is a stuffer when cleaning with some things so
  • not sure if she will make it into her room
  • tonight=LOL
  • but house looked fine and she shut her door
  • both daughters came and their kids
  • Oma said no to ''take outs '' this year-
  • as one daughters the kids have not
  • been coming to family productions over the last several years
  • but always wanted a meal brought home to them and friends
  • and it always hurt papa that they could not take
  • a little time a few times a year to come and say hi
  • and guess what-- they came- this is something
  • their mom should be insisting on but they
  • like to do what they want too like all kids.......
  • I do not expect grand kids to come all the time
  • but I do think that it is just respect that they
  • can come over now and then
  • they were not even showing up for their Christmas gifts
  • it is not a choice for the other daughter's kids (she would not allow it)
  • and that
  • is why they know Oma- kids sometimes need training
  • to appreciate other people and they did have
  • fun here with out mommy playing interference and running supper
  • home to them....
  • it is hard to have a family function if everyone decides
  • they want ''take out'' instead of coming over.
  • so Oma stuck with what ''she said'' and
  • everyone was happy...........
  • we missed papa but we did ok
  • I had a couple of meltdowns today when
  • I was home alone but managed well with
  • the kids here............
  • now everyone has gone home to their beds....
  • I had a happy day and introduced a new
  • tradition
  • and I am thankful to know papa David
  • is with his Shepherd-and that we had a family day
  • huggles me, Meme aka Oma


StitchinByTheLake said...

You made it through a hard day and ended up with good memories. This is a good thing. blessings, marlene

Kimonos and Sushi(OLD BLOG) said...

Great to hear that your Thanksgiving was well received by all. Sounds as though you had a great day.