Monday, November 10, 2008

thinking out loud..

thinking out loud.......
Although the telling of David's journey is important,
it is ''looking backwards.'' and..............and

Sometimes I forget to tell you of my day and my daily blessings=
Sometimes blessings get caught up with living and we fail to remember
and share what the Lord is doing now- (or even sometimes what I am thinking)

I did have a quiet day here after the grand kids left- Miss Sidney was on a ''go ahead and make my day''
mood and made Clint Eastwood look good- so saying good bye to Miss Sidney was not too hard--LOL
She is a very strong willed child and believes strongly that her way is the only way--Oma is too tired
or weary to spend the time to teach her a lot but we did talk about trying to good for others etc. and that
God collects our tears in a bottle (Psalm 56:8 ) that was about all the sermons she could handle this week end-
Even as bad (I know that they say we should never say that a child is bad but to me bad behavior is bad )
Miss Sidney is to or for Oma, I have no doubt that she loves me=but I think that some times she may doubt
that I love her--
I wonder if sometimes we tend to treat God like our way is the only way we want Him to answer us
or gives us or do for us etc?. I wonder if sometimes we think because we love God that it is ok to be strong
willed in our life just because we love Him and if sometimes we doubt that he loves us-? and do we have a melt
down when we hear what we do not want to hear--
I am sure that when Miss Sidney gets older she will realize the sacrifices that Oma makes for her and she
will understand the whys and the where fores of No way- or not yet- or wait- and also the yes- you can. I wonder
if we appreciate all the answers to prayer that we receive? sigh- not always for me but
I think that papa David's cancer taught me that God is
good all the time but some of the answers will hurt------as they were not our will-- we both wanted a miracle
healing but we finally did accept that when God said no==
He was our shepherd and that we would not walk in the
valley alone-
Thank you. Lord for all your answers and forgive us when we try to manipulate you into answering our way-

huggles me, Meme who had a writing moment
Miss Sidney teaches Oma a lot too==Smile---

1 comment:

Grammy Staffy said...

I just left a comment on your last post but I had to laugh at this one. How old is your Miss Sidney? Our Mr. Austin can be the same way at times. He is 3 and thinks the world revolves around him....well doen't it???? haha

Have a good day my dear.