Thursday, March 26, 2009

the rest of the story -part two

  • brother Bill drove to the rescue and I made my escape

  • we went back to the house and had a good day

  • remembering when we were kids

  • he remembers more than I do

  • we are 18 months apart and the only kids

  • raised on the farm so we did have

  • some good memories to rake over

  • had a nice comfort supper

  • of roast chicken and mashed potatoes-

  • carrots and gravy and buns

  • then we sat around watch tv

  • and watching brother Bill snooze

  • we all had a good time

  • and even went to bed early for me

  • sleep is so good and healing

  • and before I forget

  • the one test was completed and

  • she told that the good news

  • I do not asthma

  • or panic attacks

  • or heart chest pains but
  • the pain is

  • the muscle below

  • my throat has narrowed

  • and is opening in-correctly and

  • this is the reason the

  • food goes slow

  • and the air is not sufficient at times

  • and she reminded me

  • again what not to eat

  • and especially now

  • corn- lettuce

  • peanuts - certain seeds

  • and so on and told me to be floppy
  • let my body go into relaxation
  • and at bad times to get and walk around
  • rather than laying down -
  • I cannot say the way she said floppy as
  • she as an accent but it was funny
  • go floppy
  • and also keep my mouth shut
  • especially out side--LOL

  • because food can be come stuck

  • there and cause infection

  • which could be a serious

  • problem- sigh

  • but I am happy with the answers

  • to part of my problems

  • and she said the doctor will decide

  • what is best to do---

  • she was an intern trying

  • to do a job for 2 doctors

  • so I understand how she did or did not

  • manage to finish the tests- sigh

  • this is a problem we have in Canada

  • no beds- not enough staffing

  • etc etc and that is why

  • patients like me no longer

  • can have these tests done in the hospital

  • correctly--

  • pray for our medical folks etc-

  • our politicians just voted to

  • give themselves a 25 percent raise

  • but there is no money to fun health care
  • I think everything turned out ok
  • considering the circumstances
  • and I know God was there with me
  • I look back laugh because it has funny moments
  • especially me running out of there
  • at a fast Meme walk
  • and tomorrow I will share my coat blessing
  • that happened while I was in the big city
  • Meme hugs


Anonymous said...

Well, you certainly did get some good news. I am sorry for the trouble you are having though. I look forward to your next post. Take care.

Denise said...

Well, sounds like things worked out for you..... and that dinner of roasted chicken and mashed potatoes sounds yummy! BUT........... I have a question!!!!! why is lettuce hard to eat? I have a swallowing problem and have had for 5 years now.. I have my esophagus stretched ever couple of years due to a Shotsky's Ring. ring........ (a narrowing of my throat due to acid reflux) anyway...... I am VERY careful what I swallow and have not swallowed a pill in 5 years.. Everything is ground up.. Soooooo I know what you are going through girl friend......

Blessings for a wonderful weekend...